Sara Ferrer Solo Show at Gisela Kunstraum
This Friday 03.09.2021 from 18:00 is the opening of the Sara Ferrer´s solo exhibition "Lakes of Memories and Healing Rivers" and everyone is welcome to come. The exhibition will run until October 22, 2021. GISELA Freier Kunstraum LichtenbergKulturring in Berlin...
Freier Kunstraum GISELA announces solo exhibition by SIDC artist Marie Charlotte Nouza
Liebe Kunstfreund*innen und Kunstinteressierte, die Ausstellung "Children of the Night" der französischen Künstlerin Marie-Charlotte Nouza ist ab Montag, den 19. April für Besucher unter bestimmten Auflagen für Sie geöffnet: Laut Senatsverordnung vom 06.04.21 möchten...
Studios ID Collective to announce ‘UNBLOCK – fair art fair’ during Berlin Art Week 2021
The Studios ID Collective recently joined forces with curator Denis Leo Hegic of Supermarket Lab and Museum of Now, together with Immonen Property, owner of the Studios ID buildings to set up a week long event named 'UNBLOCK – fair art fair'.
Hello, and welcome to the Studios ID Collective!
Welcome to Studios ID Collevtive's new home on the world wide web. We are gearing up as a Collective right now and are currently planning a large event at Studios ID in parallel to Berlin Art Week later this year. Stay tuned!